Women Under Siege
- Afghanistan’s Widows of the Disappeared October 11, 2013
The Atlantic
- Writer grieves for one of Afghanistan’s lost women August 22, 2012
New America Media
- What the bronze medal means for Afghanistan August 10, 2012
- Reports of violence against Afghan women are sign of change May 16, 2012
- Taliban talks frighten Afghan Americans January 11, 2012
- Afghanistan the New Mexico?: Assassinations and the Drug Trade Aug 02, 2011
Foreign Affairs
- The truth about opium brides March 7, 2012
FOX News
- How Iran Controls Afghanistan January 25, 2012
The Daily Beast
- Why the Taliban is still my enemy December 22, 2011
World Politics Review
- U.S. error puts Afghanistan’s counter-narcotics progress at risk November 29, 2011
- Gunmen of Kabul December 21, 2008
EurasiaNet Eurasia Insight
- Afghanistan: A law-enforcement success story in Kabul November 20, 2007
- Q and A with Afghan counter-terrorism chief September 6, 2007
- Supreme Court to decide foreign minister’s fate May 29, 2007
Pajhwok Afghan News
Women used to traffic drugs December 22, 2004
Lemar – Aftaab | afghanmagazine.com
- Summer 2002 Road Trip: Kabul-Kandahar-Herat June 2004
- Home after 20 years: travel to Herat 2001
- Khoshnawaz brothers keep Herat’s music alive 2001
Mother Jones
- Reconstructing justice July 17, 2003
- Demanding to be heard November 14, 2001
- Students of the war November 2, 2001
Women’s eNews (womensenews.org)
- Stop knee-jerk blaming of Afghan men, culture June 4, 2013
- Afghan child bride traded to pay opium debt January 15, 2012
- Afghan women debate the terms of their future June 30, 2002